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Butterfly Free Tattoo Stencil - Free Tattoo Butterfly Designs For Women - Customized Butterfly Tattoos - Free Butterfly Tattoos - Free Butterfly Printable Tattoo Stencils - Free Butterfly Printable Tattoo Designs 

Butterfly tattoo designs are one of the most popular choices of tattoo for women. Not only does the Butterfly encapsulate beauty and grace but it also has a lot of symbolic meaning. The metamorphosis of the butterfly, or moth, from crawling insect, to an amazing flying creature of grace and beauty, can be extremely inspirational and many women choose a butterfly to represent their own metamorphosis from girl to woman. Likewise, many people think of the butterfly as representative of the human soul or spirit. They seek to free their own spirit in a similar way to the butterfly achieving freedom when it emerges from it’s cocoon. The ritual of receiving a butterfly image indelibly inked onto their body is simply a step on the way to achieving this spiritual freedom.
From an artistic viewpoint Butterflies are symmetrical and can be highly colourful. This allows a talented tattoo artist to really show his skill when creating a beautiful design. Butterfly tattoo designs can also be any size making them ideal for any part of the body. Butterfly tattoos can also be combined with many other styles. It is not uncommon to see Butterfly tattoos together with flower designs and Tribal Butterfly tattoo designs are not uncommon.

Types of Butterfly Tattoo Designs.


Monarch butterfly tattoo designs. 

The Monarch Butterfly is both colourful and famous due to it’s migratory habits. Monarch butterflies migrate from Canada to Mexico – a journey which takes three or four generations of butterfly. Their colorfulness and wandering nature has made them a popular choice for a tattoo design.

Tiger butterfly tattoo. 

The Tiger Butterfly closely resembles the monarch butterfly, but has slightly more striking colouring which has made them a popular choice.

Butterfly and flower tattoo designs. 

It is common to see a butterfly included as part of a larger design involving flowers. A talented artist can really show off his skill by using different colours on the flowers to contrast against the butterfly.

Butterfly fairy tattoos.

If you are looking to combine something real with something mythical a Butterfly fairy tattoo can be a great way to do this.

Star and butterfly tattoos. 

Similar to flowers, stars can be great ‘space fillers’ as part of a larger design including a butterfly.

Butterfly tattoo designs for girls. 

Butterfly tattoos are one of the most popular choices of tattoo for women.

Tribal butterfly tattoo designs. 

You can either opt for a butterfly in the black tribal style – which looks great against paler skin. You could also use a plain black tribal design to frame a colourful butterfly tattoo and really set it off!

Angel butterfly tattoos. 

As with fairies, if you want to introduce an element of fantasy, Angels work well with butterflies.

How to use tattoo stencils


- Butterfly tribal tattoo stencil 1 (click for full size)

Butterfly tribal tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 2 (click for full size)

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 3 (click for full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 4 (click for full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 5 (click for full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly and flowers tattoo stencil 6 (click for full size) 

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly wings tattoo stencil 7 (click for full size) 

Butterfly wings tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly and lilies tattoo stencil 8 (click for full size) 

Butterfly and lilies tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly on flower tattoo stencil 9 (click for full size) 

Butterfly on flower tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 10 (full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 11 (full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 12 (full size)

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 13 (full size)

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterflies tattoo stencil 14 (click for full size) 

Butterflies tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 15 (click for full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly and daisies tattoo stencil 16 (click for full size) 

Butterfly and daisies tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.


- Butterfly tattoo stencil 17 (full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 18 (full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 19 (click for full size) 

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 20 (click for full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterflies tattoo stencil 21 (click for full size) 

Butterflies tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 22 (click for full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly with flowers tattoo stencil 23 (click for full size) 

Butterfly with flowers tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 24 (click for full size) 

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly with flowers tattoo stencil 25 (click for full size)

Butterfly with flowers tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 26 (click for full size)

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 27 (full size)

Butterfly tattoo stencil
Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 28 (click for full size)

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly man and woman embraced tattoo stencil 29 (click for full size)

Butterfly man and woman embraced tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly breast cancer symbol tattoo stencil 30 (full size)

Butterfly breast cancer symbol tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 31 (full size)

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 32 (click for full size)

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 33 (click for full size)

Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterflies tattoo stencil 34 (click for full size)

Butterflies tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.


- Butterfly tattoo stencil 35 (click for full size)

Butterfliy tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly tattoo stencil 36 (click for full size)


Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.


- Butterfly tattoo stencil 37 (click for full size) 

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterfly and lilies tattoo stencil 38 (click for full size) 

Butterfly and lilies tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Butterflies tattoo stencil 39 (click for full size) 

Butterflies tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.


- Maori tribal Butterfly tattoo stencil 40 (click for full size)

Maori tribal Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Maori tribal Butterfly tattoo stencil 41 (click for full size)

Maori tribal Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Maori tribal Butterfly tattoo stencil 42 (click for full size)

Maori tribal Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Maori tribal Butterfly tattoo stencil 43 (click for full size)


Maori tribal Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Maori tribal Butterfly tattoo stencil 44 (click for full size) 

Maori tribal Butterfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.


Dragonfly Free Tattoo Stencil - Free Tattoo Dragonfly Designs For Women - Customized Dragonfly Tattoos - Free Dragonfly Tattoos - Free Dragonfly Printable Tattoo Stencils - Free Dragonfly Printable Tattoo Designs


Symbolism Meaning.

There are several cultures that associate the dragonfly with varied concepts and philosophies. Let us take a look at some of these.

Origins of the Name.

The dragonfly belongs to the odonata family. The word 'odonata' is a Greek word which means tooth. This was given to the odonata family because it was believed that the odonates had teeth. Though it was later found out that they have mandibles that they use to crush their prey with. The name dragonfly stuck so because it was believed that they were dragons first.

Mirrors the Subconscious.

The dragonfly is associated with the subconscious and the thoughts that go with it. The dragonfly dwells above the water surface and just as the water ripples and moves with the slightest touch, it is said that our subconscious state of mind also does the same. The dragonfly symbolism holds that the subconscious mind has the ability to let deeper thoughts resurface to the fore, just as when the dragonfly skitters across the surface of the water and makes it ripple from its calm state. Thus it makes us think of the deep thoughts that have been lying in the mind's folds and contemplate about them in detail. It allows us to take certain decisions regarding those points as well.

Looking Beyond the Surface.

The other symbolism associated with this insect is the fact that the same action of it scurrying across the surface of the water and making it ripple in the process is a way of reminding us to not look at anything from merely the surface but go deeper. This philosophy is associated with self-realization.

Living Life to the Fullest.

The dragonfly has a very short life and it does a lot in that rather short time. Its short life is symbolic of the quality of life that it leads and what it tells us to do through it all. The dragonfly is symbolic of how well we should lead our lives no matter how short our life is. For that to happen, one needs to be aware of their goals, the direction that they are going to be taking in life and the things needed to be done to achieve what you've set out to. It thus symbolic of the hedonist attitude of living life maximally well and to the fullest.

Other Symbolisms.

There are several other myths and lores associated with this creature, especially in Japan and Native America. The dragonfly symbolism runs deep into the very culture of the land. In Japan, the dragonfly is associated with the seasons of summer and autumn and is the very totem of victory, power and agility. That is why Samurai warriors use it as a symbol of strength and power. In native America, it signifies happiness, purity and speed because it is an insect that dwells excellently well in both water and land. In China, the symbolism extends to include qualities like prosperity, harmony and a general good luck charm.

The dragonfly symbolism runs deep and has a lot of myths and legends to support it. While these associations might not always be positive (as in the cultures of Europe and Australia), the dragonfly has started to become one of the most revered and symbolic totems around. That is why you'll find that there is a rise in the dragonfly tattoos these days because people want to freeze in time the very qualities that the creature is associated with.

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- Dragonfly tattoo stencil 1 (click for full size) 

Dragonfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly tattoo stencil 2 (full size) 

Dragonfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly tattoo stencil 3 (click for full size) 

Dragonfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly steampunk tattoo stencil 4 (full size) 

Dragonfly steampunk tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly and lotus flower tattoo stencil 5 (click for full size) 

Dragonfly and lotus flower tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly tattoo stencil 6 (click for full size) 

Dragonfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly and stars tattoo stencil 7 (click for full size) 

Dragonfly and stars tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly tattoo stencil 8 (click for full size) 

Dragonfly tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil 9 (click for full size) 

Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil 10 (click for full size)

Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil 11 (click for full size) 

Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil 12 (click for full size)

Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil 13 (click for full size)

Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil 14 (click for full size)

Dragonfly Maori tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.


Spider Free Tattoo Stencil - Free Tattoo Spider Designs For Women - Customized Spider Tattoos - Free Spider Tattoos - Free Spider Printable Tattoo Stencils - Free Spider Printable Tattoo Designs 


The Meaning of Spider Tattoo Designs

From the indigenous cultures of the Pacific islands to the native peoples living in the depths of the Amazon jungle, people all over the world have held the intriguing spider in high regard. These little creatures symbolize a variety of meanings, including:

  • Resourcefulness
  • Cunning and Intellect
  • Femininity
  • Temptation and Danger
  • Death
  • Protection
  • Trickery and Treachery
  • Wisdom


Spider Tattoo Design Variations

Artists and tattoo connoisseurs love to add a variety of features to their designs. Some include more cartoonish elements to their artwork, while others play on the fear that a lot of people and make their pieces more sinister. Spider Tattoos tend to be rich hues of black and red, but the color possibilities for designs really rest on the taste of the person getting inked.

Spider Web Tattoos

To be caught in a spider's web isn't as bad as it may seem. A spider's web is seen as a tangle of lies and betrayal, but in ancient Egypt, it was seen as a symbol of fate. The goddess, Neith, was the weaver of destiny and the ancient Egyptian goddess of war and hunting. Lydian mythology speaks of a woman named Arachne who was so adept at weaving, that she beat the goddess Athena during a competition, but this ultimately led to her own demise. Arachne is part of the epic masterpiece The Divine Comedy. Since a spider catches its prey in its web, many contemporary views of a spider's web refer to either being caught doing something evil or setting a trap for others to be caught in. A Spider Web Tattoo on the elbow has become a popular unspoken way for criminals to show to the world that they've done time in prison, but while this isn't the only meaning for this intricate symbol, it is the most well-known association. Spider Web Tattoos in general represent an element of mystery, intrigue, and danger.

Black Widow Spider Tattoos


Are you a deadly Black Widow Spider? A delicate Black Widow is not to be trifled with. She may seem fragile and helpless on the outside, but she is poised and ready to launch a deadly strike at a moment's notice. The Black Widow is a symbol of Femininity, Sexual Power, Cunning, Intellect, and Independence. The image is one of the most popular in the genre and is, by far, one most associated with women who have strong, unnameable personas.

Tribal Spider Tattoos


Spiders have inspired awe and wonder in humans throughout history, so it's no surprise that many indigenous peoples across the globe view them as elements of the Divine. From rivers of ancient Egypt to the vast lands of the Americas, spiders were seen as gods of wisdom and cunning. Their association with the spiritual world means that they were, and still are, often depicted using tribal patterns and markings in an effort to impart their magical powers to the natives. Tribal Spider Tattoos extend this belief by embodying your spiritual intellect and add an air of mystery to an ordinary tattoo.


- Spider with cross tattoo stencil 1 (click for full size)

Spider with cross tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Spider with cross tattoo stencil 2 (click for full size)

Spider with cross tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Spider tattoo stencil 3 (click for full size)

Spider tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Spider tattoo stencil 4 (click for full size)

Spider tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Spider tattoo stencil 5 (click for full size)

Spider tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Spider tattoo stencil 6 (click for full size)

Spider tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Spider tattoo stencil 7 (click for full size)

Spider tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Spider tattoo stencil 8 (click for full size)

Spider tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Spider tattoo stencil 9 (click for full size)

Spider tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.

- Spider tattoo stencil 10 (click for full size)

Spider tattoo stencil

Simply print out the stencil in whatever size you like.


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